Custom Fitted Mouthguard


Custom fitted mouth guards

Our mouthguards are made to provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness - especially for you.

We offer name personalization and a variety of colours to choose from.

Mouthguards help protect against painful and potentially expensive dental injuries while playing sport.

Why wear a mouthguard?

"Every year thousands of people are treated for dental injuries that could have been avoided or minimised by wearing a protective, custom fitted mouth guard.

Anyone who participates in a sport that carries a risk of contact to the face should wear a mouth guard.

This includes obvious sports such as football, boxing and rugby, and also collision sports where unexpected contact often happens.

Wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard helps to absorb and spread the impact of a blow to your face." (ADA, 2018) 

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Caring for your mouthguard

It is important that you bring your mouth guard to your regular dental check-up to ensure it still fits correctly for maximum protection.

You may need a replacement if your new, secondary adult teeth have come through or if your mouth guard has been damaged.

How do I care for my mouth guard?

  • Rinse in cold water after use.

  • Store in a rigid plastic container.

  • Keep out of direct sunlight - mouth guards will change shape in high temperatures.

  • Occasionally rinse your mouth guard in a mouthwash.

  • Have your mouth guard assessed by your dentist at your regular dental check-up.

  • Replace your mouth guard if it gets damaged.

Every year accidents do occur and teeth are knocked out. Read more about what to do in a dental emergency.